In the process of dowloading pictures to transfer over here....since it has been quite a while,..I thought I would update a bit. My amazing husband Aaron is leaving in July for training with the army,..he has re enlisted. As sad as I am about losing precious time with someone who has become my very best friend, I am so very proud of him for his choice. I think fear, as a wife is intrensic....and as a military wife that fear becomes a different monster entirely. My pride however is based in the fact that my honorable, courageous husband is led to a life of duty, and still stands firm in the face if any obstacle for what he believes. He is,..he has most of the qualities that I most admire in humanity. As well as enough of the ones that drive me batty, to make life interesting.
We begin a rigorous month in a few days ...medically speaking that is. Prayers are appreciated....
Sooooo busy!
14 years ago