Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day!


a tom said...

Looking beautiful my dear. The pictures are very telling of how happy you are. LOVE the one of you and Kia!!!
And you are right about the 'grunts'. lolol
Had a GREAT Memorial Day with you all. Thanks for having us all over, but we did not get a chance to box. So next time "Silence.........I kick your butt" lololol

Allana Martian said...

Well, well, well! Looky who it is! Welcome, dear, and I hope you are a superfluous blogger!

Unknown said...

Hey,I was thinking!lollol
Great job girl! Dad and I had a wonderful time Memorial Day weekend with you all. LOve MOM

loree2000 said...

Congrats on your new blog! I linked to it from your SIL's blog!

Nice family photos!

Feel free to stop by my blog and 'Hi'.